The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Greetings from Iowa

The Iowa Capital Building is incredibly beautiful

Well I touched down on Saturday in Omaha, hooked up with Jeff Jared (this campaign seems to have a lot of people with two first names) and made my way to Des Moines. I have been really pleasantly surprised by Des Moines, what a beautiful, fun, vibrant town! I could live here very happily if it weren't for the winters.

As far as the campaign goes, the Iowa Straw Poll is less then 2 weeks away and activities are in full swing. I am crashing at a house that a local supporter provided with Jeff (paid staffer from Seattle) and Tom (volunteer who is spending his summer break from University of San Diego helping the campaign in Iowa).

As for me, I managed a fairly relaxed evening on Saturday before cranking back into full court press on Sunday. I had two meetings, a strategy session, and hours of phone calls before finally crashing after a 15 hour day. Today should be just as involved. I have a sit down with the local brain trust at 10, followed by a meeting with the head of Iowa GOP at noon. From there, it's out to Ames to scope out the Straw Poll venue and then back to Des Moines for an evening Meetup. Somewhere in there I also have to arrange for a car, and work on the Fairfield event Dr. Paul will be doing next Sunday night that I have been tasked with taking from scratch to completion. And that doesn't even touch on the fact we just rented an office which has no furniture, computers, phones or literature or the planning for the actual straw poll or the fact that we are going to have hundreds of out of state volunteers to deal with! There is definitely never a dull moment on the campaign trail.


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