The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Republicans descend on Mackinac Island

MACKINAC ISLAND - Michigan Republicans convened Friday on Mackinac Island amidst a sea of Ron Paul supporters. Paul, a Texas congressman and one of seven GOP presidential hopefuls attending the biennial state Republican leadership conference, unexpectedly recruited supporters who lined the docks at the Lake Huron island's harbor and swarmed the Grand Hotel.

The large following in Mackinac is especially sweet for Paul because state GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis tried to get him removed from televised debates because of views that run counter to most Republicans. "This will be a test for us," Paul said earlier Friday in an interview with the Detroit Free Press editorial board.

In contrast, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani had fewer visible supporters at the conference...

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