The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

An end of year message to the Democratic party

It's been a tough year for you guys, I know, I sympathize. Try being a Libertarian for a day. None the less, you have a responsibility to this country to be the "loyal opposition." America has changed. The populace is more conservative, more religious and more patriotic than it was four years ago and certainly more than it was in the Clinton years. I want a strong opposition party in this country because, as Lord Acron rightly said, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." If you guys run in a way that gives the impression that you are the pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, anti-military, anti-religion obstructionist party then you will continue to lose election after election. The Republicans will dominate and ram through every awful idea that unchecked power can produce. I hate to criticize, but what you are doing isn't working. It is not a question of left or center, it is a question of being with or against where most of the American people are. I am not asking you to compromise your values, but rather to frame those values in a way that Americans can subscribe to. Good luck Dems.


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