The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

FCC declines opportunity to regulate satellite radio

The FCC, responding to a complaint filed by a broadcast radio provider, declined to open hearings about indecency on satellite radio today citing precedence in staying away from services that do not indiscriminately broadcast to children. I would have preferred the FCC decline the complaint on first amendment grounds, but a win is a win. Read the story here.
Apparently the Metal of Freedom now represents tactical ineptitude, strategic stupidity and political blundering. President Bush sullied the honor by presenting it to the man who assured him the Iraqis had WMD, the man who disbanded the Iraqi military and the man who sat by while the country was looted and the insurgency organized that has now killed more than 1300 U.S. soldiers and countless Iraqi civilians. I am sickened by this arrogant, self-servicing dog and pony show by the President. We should be humble in the face of our failures and our continuing desire to arrive at an acceptable result. Instead, we get this continued white-washing of the Iraq conflict designed to convince the American people that we are on the side of the angels and that the administration has the situation well in hand and has not made mistakes. What planet is this President living on? Read more about this national embarrassment here.


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