The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Your Eyes Deceive You (Presidential Debate #2)

Over the years, I have occasionally heard reference to that first Kennedy-Nixon Debate by way of giving example of the power of visual media. It is said that those that listened to the debate on radio believed that Nixon won handily. While those that could compare the young, handsome Kennedy to the unshaven and grim Nixon on T.V. thought that Kennedy won. I always found this to be a rather sad commentary on the triumph of style over substance, but it was an example from a bygone era. Perhaps 40 plus years of acclimation to visual media have made Americans more savvy. Right? Last night I found myself traveling and unable to plant myself in front of a television for the second of three Bush-Kerry match-ups. I tuned to Fox on my car satellite and listen on the radio instead. My first impression was cynical in the extreme. "How am I supposed to rage about these bozos being inarticulate, spineless wet noodles in stuffed suits if they're going to have substantive, well reasoned exchanges about actual issues?" My second thought was that Bush came with his game face on. He was well spoken (no small feat), versed on the issues and passionate. Kerry, for his part, was every bit as good as he was in the first debate, but his effectiveness seemed blunted by Bush's good performance. Then I came home and turned on the talking heads. They appeared to agree that the night once again belonged to Kerry and the flash polls agreed. What!?! The talk of issues came up from time to time, but mostly it was talk about body language, cut-a-ways and Bush seeming at the edge of anger, ready to attack poor Charlie Gibson. None of this came through on the radio and the impression left was clearly very different. But does it really matter? In 25 days, America will go to the polls and decide which government-expanding, freedom-curtailing militarist will be the next President of these United States. The real loser, it seems to me, is all of us.
If you would like to know why you shouldn't want to vote for either of these guys, I recommend catching the debate between Michael Badnarik(L) and David Cobb(G) that is running this weekend on the PBS program Now with Bill Moyers. Check your local listings.


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