The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Monday, October 04, 2004

How Dubya won the debate (No I haven't been drinking)

That Carl Rove, man....he is a sneaky devil. "O.K. George, the key to the debate is saying as little as possible. When asked a question or forced to respond to Kerry, just mumble something about standing firm or Kerry flip-flops, but for crissakes, don't answer the question. That way, even though everybody will laud Kerry and say he won the debate, he will be handing us 90 minutes worth of positions to attack and we won't give him squat." First, according to his critics, Rove planted the fake documents in Dan Rather's hip pocket and now this. I can just picture him in his purple wizard's robes, standing over the steaming cauldron, "Dark powers!!! I call upon you!!! Show me how to perplex my candidate's opponents while maintaining plausible deniability, raising his poll numbers, and lowering expectations, oh... and I don't want to look overtly political." I doubt this is how it played out, but some time you have got to wonder if Bush was born under the same star as Bill Clinton. Only Dubya could be seen, by a 2-1 margin, as having lost the debate and actually maintained standing in the polls. Rasmussen Reports has Bush by 2.5 and it has been far more conservative than other polls in this cycle. ABC and Pew have Bush by 5 and Zogby has Bush by 3. Now come the economic and domestic issues debates, where the expectations for Bush are very low. Sounds like Carl Rove has Kerry right where he wants him.
On an unrelated note, the head of the UN refugee agency in Gaza admitted to a CBC reporter that his organization is likely employing members of Hamas. Your United Nations dollars at work.


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