The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The virtues & vices of our republic

Ask yourself, "How is it possible, in a nearly perfectly divided nation, for one party to maintain control of the entire government?" It now appears likely that the Republicans will not only maintain control of the government, but will increase their power through pick-ups in the House and the Senate. The GOP also controls a majority of Governor's mansions. Part of this is simply the way the system is designed. That the GOP control the entire government and still face significant opposition is a testament to the virtues of republic. However, the ability of the Republicans to maintain control of the entire government in a closely divided electorate also requires systemic corruption as subtle as the built-in advantages of incumbancy to the overt redistricting plans designed to blunt the voices of the people in order to satisfy the needs of the parties to secure power bases. It is not a partisan criticism because both parties enjoy these advantages, but the danger this corruption presents to our system is significant. If the government does not reflect the will of the people, then it ceases to be democratic and loses its claim to legitimacy under the Constitution. It is the responsibility of the citizenry to see that the government maintains transparency and accountability to the people. I fear our government is in increasing danger of crossing that line as it continues to inch closer and closer to the point that it no longer represents us but sees itself as a sovereign agent. This would be the death knell for liberty in our times.
Here is a great list of all of the established political parties in the United States including platform overviews and links. An entertaining and enlightening read!


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