The Freeman's Burden:

To defend the principles of human liberty; to educate; to be vigilant against the ever expanding power of the state.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Do it to us one more time (Presidential Debate #3) (Real time analysis)

Tonight's debate illegally used public funds while excluding one of Arizona's three lawfully recognized and registered presidential candidates, Michael Badnarik. That said, I have just listen to a Democrat endorse corporate welfare and fiscal "responsibility" and a Republican list a litany of new entitlements for jobs and education. The only real difference between today's major parties is whether to drive or take the bus to ruin.
"WHAT ABOUT DINGLE-NORWOOD!!!" Sorry, flashback.
Is what Kerry said about trade declining during this administration true? I guess when you require visa's from almost every nation we have ever considered friends and impose protectionist policies on the free market that is bound to happen. Kerry is on thin ice about free trade, of course, since he seems to support sweeping protectionism a la unions. Pick your poison America.
I don't get Kerry's attack on VA funding. Is there any scenario, no matter how rosy, under which every old cotger won't find something to complain about? Not that the VA is a good option for our veterans, but it isn't Bush's fault, it's a long forgotten congresses fault for setting up the bloody thing in the first place. The VA IS a disaster, do you really want the government mucking up everyone else's health care even worst than they already have? Then don't vote for these guys. The differences in their health care plans are cosmetic, they both work on the overriding premise that only government, with the right set of programs, can fix the health care system that government wrecked!
Immigration: Why is an American more entitled to pick strawberries to support his family than a Mexican? Again, the main difference between these candidates is how they will use the power of the government to limit human and economic liberty.
Bush will pick judges that will interpret the Constitution. Great. Are there any judges left that just want read the Constitutions and do what it says?
Education: It is a toss-up as to which of these candidate's will waste more of our money on the dreadful public education system. Bush brags that he has increased education spending by 49%. Isn't that like bragging that you are spending twice as much money on the lottery and still drive a 1981 K-car?
Bush, "...the international world." I give up, I need a beer. God help us all.
On an unrelated and strangely hopeful note, check out Jonathan Rauch's excellent article from Reason Online about how little is actually at stake in this election.


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